AEWA covers 255 species of birds ecologically dependent on wetlands for at least part of their annual cycle, including many species of divers, grebes, pelicans, cormorants, herons, storks, rails, ibises, spoonbills, flamingos, ducks, swans, geese, cranes, waders, gulls, terns, tropic birds, auks, frigate birds and even the south African penguin.
All AEWA species cross international boundaries during their migrations and require good quality habitat for breeding as well as a network of suitable sites to support their annual journeys. International cooperation across their entire migratory range, as provided by AEWA, is therefore essential for the conservation and management of migratory waterbird populations and the habitats on which they depend.
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Common Sandpiper | Chevalier guignette | Actitis hypoleucos | Scolopacidae | AEWA |
Ruddy Turnstone | Tournepierre à collier | Arenaria interpres | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Sanderling | Bécasseau sanderling | Calidris alba | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Dunlin | Bécasseau variable | Calidris alpina | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red Knot | Bécasseau maubèche | Calidris canutus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Broad-billed Sandpiper | Bécasseau falcinelle | Calidris falcinellus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Curlew Sandpiper | Bécasseau cocorli | Calidris ferruginea | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Purple Sandpiper | Bécasseau violet | Calidris maritima | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Little Stint | Bécasseau minute | Calidris minuta | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Ruff | Combattant varié | Calidris pugnax | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Temminck's Stint | Bécasseau de Temminck | Calidris temminckii | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Great Knot | Bécasseau de l’Anadyr | Calidris tenuirostris | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Snipe | Bécassine des marais | Gallinago gallinago | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Great Snipe | Bécassine double | Gallinago media | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Pintail Snipe | Béca ssine à queue pointue | Gallinago stenura | Scolopacidae | AEWA |
Bar-Tailed Godwit | Barge rousse | Limosa lapponica | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black-tailed Godwit | Barge à queue noire | Limosa limosa | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Jack Snipe | Bécassine sourde | Lymnocryptes minimus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Curlew | Courlis cendré | Numenius arquata | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Whimbrel | Courlis corlieu | Numenius phaeopus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Slender-billed Curlew | Courlis à bec grêle | Numenius tenuirostris | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red Phalarope | Phalarope à bec large | Phalaropus fulicarius | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-necked Phalarope | Phalarope à bec étroit | Phalaropus lobatus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Woodcock | Bécasse des bois | Scolopax rusticola | Scolopacidae | AEWA |
Spotted Redshank | Chevalier arlequin | Tringa erythropus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Wood Sandpiper | Chevalier sylvain | Tringa glareola | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Greenshank | Chevalier aboyeur | Tringa nebularia | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Green Sandpiper | Chevalier cul - blanc | Tringa ochropus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Marsh Sandpiper | Chevalier stagnatile | Tringa stagnatilis | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Redshank | Chevalier gambette | Tringa totanus | Scolopacidae | AEWA , CMS |
Terek Sandpiper | Chevalier bargette | Xenus cinereus | Scolopacidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Razorbill | Petit Pingouin | Alca torda | Alcidae | AEWA |
Little Auk | Mergule nain | Alle alle | Alcidae | AEWA |
Black Guillemot | Guillemot à miroir | Cepphus grylle | Alcidae | AEWA |
Atlantic Puffin | Macareux moine | Fratercula arctica | Alcidae | AEWA |
Common Murre | Guillemot marmette | Uria aalge | Alcidae | AEWA |
Thick-billed Murre | Guillemot de Brünnich | Uria lomvia | Alcidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Egyptian Goose | Ouette d'Égypte | Alopochen aegyptiaca | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Northern Pintail | Canard Pilet | Anas acuta | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Cape Teal | Canard du Cap | Anas capensis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Teal | Sarcelle d'hiver | Anas crecca | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-billed Teal | Canard à bec rouge | Anas erythrorhyncha | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Mallard | Canard colvert | Anas platyrhynchos | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Yellow-billed Duck | Canar à bec jaune | Anas undulata | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Greater White-fronted Goose | Oie rieuse | Anser albifrons | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Greylag Goose | Oie cendrée | Anser anser | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Pink-footed Goose | Oie à bec court | Anser brachyrhynchus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Lesser White-fronted Goose | Oie naine | Anser erythropus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Bean Goose | Oie des moissons | Anser fabalis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Pochard | Fuligule milouin | Aythya ferina | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Tufted Duck | Fuligule morillon | Aythya fuligula | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Greater Scaup | Fuligule milouinan | Aythya marila | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Ferruginous Duck | Fuligule nyroca | Aythya nyroca | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Brent Goose | Bernache cravant | Branta bernicla | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Barnacle Goose | Bernache nonnette | Branta leucopsis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-Breasted Goose | Bernache à cou roux | Branta ruficollis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Goldeneye | Garrot à oeil d'or | Bucephala clangula | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Long-tailed Duck | Harelde kakawi | Clangula hyemalis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Tundra Swan | Cygne siffleur | Cygnus columbianus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Whooper Swan | Cygne chanteur | Cygnus cygnus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Mute Swan | Cygne tuberculé | Cygnus olor | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Fulvous Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygne fauve | Dendrocygna bicolor | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-Faced Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygne veuf | Dendrocygna viduata | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Wigeon | Canard siffleur | Mareca penelope | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Gadwall | Canard chipeau | Mareca strepera | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Marbled Teal | Marmaronette marbrée | Marmaronetta angustirostris | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Velvet Scoter | Macreuse brune | Melanitta fusca | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Scoter | Macreuse noire | Melanitta nigra | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Smew | Harle piette | Mergellus albellus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Goosander | Grand Harle | Mergus merganser | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-breasted Merganser | Harle huppé | Mergus serrator | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Southern Pochard | Nette brune | Netta erythrophthalma | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-crested Pochard | Nette rousse | Netta rufina | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Pygmy-goose | Anserelle naine | Nettapus auritus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-Headed Duck | Érismature à tête blanche | Oxyura leucocephala | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Maccoa Duck | Érismature maccoa | Oxyura maccoa | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Spur-winged Goose | Oie-armée de Gambie | Plectropterus gambensis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Steller's Eider | Eider de Steller | Polysticta stelleri | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Comb Duck | Canard à bosse | Sarkidiornis melanotos | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Eider | Eider à duvet | Somateria mollissima | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
King Eider | Eider à tête grise | Somateria spectabilis | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Northern Shoveler | Canard souchet | Spatula clypeata | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Hottentot Teal | Sarcelle hottentote | Spatula hottentota | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Garganey | Sarcelle d'été | Spatula querquedula | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
South African Shelduck | Tadorne à tête grise | Tadorna cana | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Ruddy Shelduck | Tadorne casarca | Tadorna ferruginea | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Shelduck | Tadorne de Belon | Tadorna tadorna | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-Backed Duck | Dendrocygne à dos blanc | Thalassornis leuconotus | Anatidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Striped Crake | Râle rayé | Amaurornis marginalis | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Corncrake | Râle des genêts | Crex crex | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Crake | Râle des prés | Crex egregia | Rallidae | AEWA |
Common Coot | Foulque macroule | Fulica atra | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-knobbed Coot | Foulque à crête | Fulica cristata | Rallidae | AEWA |
Lesser Moorhen | Gallinule africaine | Gallinula angulata | Rallidae | AEWA |
Common Moorhen | Gallinule poule-d'eau | Gallinula chloropus | Rallidae | AEWA |
Allen’s Gallinule | Talève d’Allen | Porphyrio alleni | Rallidae | AEWA |
Spotted Crake | Marouette ponctuée | Porzana porzana | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Western Water Rail | Râle d'eau | Rallus aquaticus | Rallidae | AEWA |
African Rail | Râle bleuâtre | Rallus caerulescens | Rallidae | AEWA |
White-winged Flufftail | Râle à miroir | Sarothrura ayresi | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Streaky-breasted Flufftail | Râle de Böhm | Sarothrura boehmi | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Buff-spotted Flufftail | Râle ponctué | Sarothrura elegans | Rallidae | AEWA |
Black Crake | Marouette à bec jaune | Zapornia flavirostra | Rallidae | AEWA |
Little Crake | Marouette poussin | Zapornia parva | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Baillon's Crake | Marouette de Baillon | Zapornia pusilla | Rallidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
African Openbill | Bec-ouvert Africain | Anastomus lamelligerus | Ciconiidae | AEWA |
Abdim’s Stork | Cigogne d'Abdim | Ciconia abdimii | Ciconiidae | AEWA |
White Stork | Cigogne blanche | Ciconia ciconia | Ciconiidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Woollyneck | Cigogne à pattes noires | Ciconia microscelis | Ciconiidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black Stork | Cigogne noire | Ciconia nigra | Ciconiidae | AEWA , CMS |
Marabou | Marabout d'Afrique | Leptoptilos crumenifer | Ciconiidae | AEWA |
Yellow-billed Stork | Tantale ibis | Mycteria ibis | Ciconiidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Brown Noddy | Noddi brun | Anous stolidus | Laridae | AEWA |
Lesser Noddy | Noddi marianne | Anous tenuirostris | Laridae | AEWA |
Whiskered Tern | Guifette moustac | Chlidonias hybrida | Laridae | AEWA |
White-winged Tern | Guifette leucoptère | Chlidonias leucopterus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Black Tern | Guifette noire | Chlidonias niger | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Gull-billed Tern | Sterne hansel | Gelochelidon nilotica | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Little Gull | Mouette pygmée | Hydrocoloeus minutus | Laridae | AEWA |
Caspian Tern | Sterne caspienne | Hydroprogne caspia | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
European Herring Gull | Goéland argenté | Larus argentatus | Laridae | AEWA |
Armenian Gull | Goéland d’Arménie | Larus armenicus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Audouin's Gull | Goéland d’Audouin | Larus audouinii | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Caspian Gull | Goéland pontique | Larus cachinnans | Laridae | AEWA |
Mew Gull | Goéland cendré | Larus canus | Laridae | AEWA |
Grey-headed Gull | Mouette à tête grise | Larus cirrocephalus | Laridae | AEWA |
Kelp Gull | Goéland dominicain | Larus dominicanus | Laridae | AEWA |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Goéland brun | Larus fuscus | Laridae | AEWA |
Slender-billed Gull | Goéland railleur | Larus genei | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Iceland Gull | Goéland arctique | Larus glaucoides | Laridae | AEWA |
Hartlaub’s Gull | Mouette de Hartlaub | Larus hartlaubii | Laridae | AEWA |
Sooty Gull | Goéland de Hemprich | Larus hemprichii | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Glaucous Gull | Goéland bourgmestre | Larus hyperboreus | Laridae | AEWA |
Palla's Gull | Goéland ichthyaète | Larus ichthyaetus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
White-eyed Gull | Goéland à iris blanc | Larus leucophthalmus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Great Black-backed Gull | Goéland marin | Larus marinus | Laridae | AEWA |
Mediterranean Gull | Mouette mélanocéphale | Larus melanocephalus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Yellow-legged Gull | Goéland leucophée | Larus michahellis | Laridae | AEWA |
Black-headed Gull | Mouette rieuse | Larus ridibundus | Laridae | AEWA |
Bridled Tern | Sterne bridée | Onychoprion anaethetus | Laridae | AEWA |
Sooty Tern | Sterne fuligineuse | Onychoprion fuscatus | Laridae | AEWA |
Black-legged Kittiwake | Mouette tridactyle | Rissa tridactyla | Laridae | AEWA |
African Skimmer | Bec-en-ciseaux d'Afrique | Rynchops flavirostris | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Roseate Tern | Sterne de Dougall | Sterna dougallii | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Tern | Sterne pierregarin | Sterna hirundo | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Arctic Tern | Sterne arctique | Sterna paradisaea | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
White-cheeked Tern | Sterne à joues blanches | Sterna repressa | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Antarctic Tern | Sterne couronée | Sterna vittata | Laridae | AEWA |
Little Tern | Sterne naine | Sternula albifrons | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Damara Tern | Sterne des baleiniers | Sternula balaenarum | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Saunders's Tern | Sterne de Saunders | Sternula saundersi | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Lesser Crested Tern | Sterne voyageuse | Thalasseus bengalensis | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Greater Crested Tern | Sterne huppée | Thalasseus bergii | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Royal Tern | Sterne royale | Thalasseus maximus | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Sandwich Tern | Sterne caugek | Thalasseus sandvicensis | Laridae | AEWA , CMS |
Sabine’s Gull | Mouette de Sabine | Xema sabini | Laridae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Blue Crane | Grue de paradis | Anthropoides paradiseus | Gruidae | AEWA , CMS |
Demoiselle Crane | Grue demoiselle | Anthropoides virgo | Gruidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black Crowned-crane | Grue couronnée | Balearica pavonina | Gruidae | AEWA |
Grey Crowned-crane | Grue royale | Balearica regulorum | Gruidae | AEWA |
Wattled Crane | Grue caronculée | Bugeranus carunculatus | Gruidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Crane | Grue cendrée | Grus grus | Gruidae | AEWA , CMS |
Siberian Crane | Grue de Sibérie | Leucogeranus leucogeranus | Gruidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Great White Egret | Grande Aigrette | Ardea alba | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Yellow-billed Egret | Héron à bec jaune | Ardea brachyrhyncha | Ardeidae | AEWA2016 |
Grey Heron | Héron Cendré | Ardea cinerea | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Black-headed Heron | Héron mélanocéphale | Ardea melanocephala | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Purple Heron | Héron pourpré | Ardea purpurea | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Madagascar Pond-heron | Crabier blanc | Ardeola idae | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Squacco Heron | Crabier chevelu | Ardeola ralloides | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Rufous-bellied Heron | Crabier à ventre roux | Ardeola rufiventris | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Bittern | Butor étoilé | Botaurus stellaris | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Cattle Egret | Héron garde-bœufs | Bubulcus ibis | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Black Heron | Aigrette ardoisée | Egretta ardesiaca | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Little Egret | Aigrette garzette | Egretta garzetta | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Western Reef-egret | Aigrette à gorge blanche | Egretta gularis | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Slaty Egret | Aigrette vineuse | Egretta vinaceigula | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Little Bittern | Blongios nain | Ixobrychus minutus | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Dwarf Bittern | Blongios de Sturm | Ixobrychus sturmii | Ardeidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black-crowned Night-heron | Bihoreau gris | Nycticorax nycticorax | Ardeidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Shoebill | Bec-en-sabot du Nil | Balaeniceps rex | Balaenicipitidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Senegal Thick-knee | Oedicnème du Sénégal | Burhinus senegalensis | Burhinidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Great Skua | Grand Labbe | Catharacta skua | Stercorariidae | AEWA |
Long-tailed Jaeger | Labbe à longue queue | Stercorarius longicaudus | Stercorariidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Kentish Plover | Pluvier à collier interrompu | Charadrius alexandrinus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Caspian Plover | Pluvier asiatique | Charadrius asiaticus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Little Ringed Plover | Pluvier petit-gravelot | Charadrius dubius | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Forbes's Plover | Pluvier de Forbes | Charadrius forbesi | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Ringed Plover | Pluvier grand-gravelot | Charadrius hiaticula | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Greater Sandplover | Pluvier de Leschenault | Charadrius leschenaultii | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-fronted Plover | Pluvier à front blanc | Charadrius marginatus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Lesser Sandplover | Pluvier de Mongolie | Charadrius mongolus | Charadriidae | AEWA |
Chestnut-banded Plover | Pluvier élégant | Charadrius pallidus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Kittlitz's Plover | Pluvier pâtre | Charadrius pecuarius | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Three-banded Plover | Pluvier à triple collier | Charadrius tricollaris | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Dotterel | Pluvier guignard | Eudromias morinellus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Golden Plover | Pluvier doré | Pluvialis apricaria | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Pacific Golden Plover | Pluvier fauve | Pluvialis fulva | Charadriidae | AEWA |
Grey Plover | Pluvier argenté | Pluvialis squatarola | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-headed Lapwing | Vanneau à tête blanche | Vanellus albiceps | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Crowned Lapwing | Vanneau couronné | Vanellus coronatus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Sociable Lapwing | Vanneau sociable | Vanellus gregarius | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
White-tailed Lapwing | Vanneau à queue blanche | Vanellus leucurus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Senegal Lapwing | Vanneau terne | Vanellus lugubris | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black-winged Lapwing | Vanneau à ailes noires | Vanellus melanopterus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Wattled Lapwing | Vanneau du Sénégal | Vanellus senegallus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanneau à éperons | Vanellus spinosus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Brown-chested Lapwing | Vanneau à poitrine châtaine | Vanellus superciliosus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Northern Lapwing | Vanneau huppé | Vanellus vanellus | Charadriidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Crab-plover | Drome ardéole | Dromas ardeola | Dromadidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Lesser Frigatebird | Frégate ariel | Fregata ariel | Fregatidae | AEWA |
Great Frigatebird | Frégate du Pacifique | Fregata minor | Fregatidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Yellow-billed Loon | Plongeon à bec blanc | Gavia adamsii | Gaviidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black-throated Loon | Plongeon arctique | Gavia arctica | Gaviidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common Loon | Plongeon huard | Gavia immer | Gaviidae | AEWA , CMS |
Red-throated Loon | Plongeon catmarin | Gavia stellata | Gaviidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Northern Bald Ibis | Ibis chauve | Geronticus eremita | Threskiornithidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Spoonbill | Spatule d'Afrique | Platalea alba | Threskiornithidae | AEWA , CMS |
Eurasian Spoonbill | Spatule blanche | Platalea leucorodia | Threskiornithidae | AEWA , CMS |
Glossy Ibis | Ibis falcinelle | Plegadis falcinellus | Threskiornithidae | AEWA , CMS |
African Sacred Ibis | Ibis Sacré | Threskiornis aethiopicus | Threskiornithidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Grey Pratincole | Glaréole grise | Glareola cinerea | Glareolidae | AEWA |
Black-winged Pratincole | Glaréole à ailes noires | Glareola nordmanni | Glareolidae | AEWA , CMS |
Rock Pratincole | Glaréole auréolée | Glareola nuchalis | Glareolidae | AEWA , CMS |
Madagascar Pratincole | Glaréole malgache | Glareola ocularis | Glareolidae | AEWA |
Collared Pratincole | Glaréole à collier | Glareola pratincola | Glareolidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
African Oystercatcher | Huîtrier de Moquin | Haematopus moquini | Haematopodidae | AEWA |
Eurasian Oystercatcher | Huîtrier pie | Haematopus ostralegus | Haematopodidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Black-Winged Stilt | Echasse blanche | Himantopus himantopus | Recurvirostridae | AEWA , CMS |
Pied Avocet | Avocette élégante | Recurvirostra avosetta | Recurvirostridae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Crowned Cormorant | Cormoran couronné | Microcarbo coronatus | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA |
Pygmy Cormorant | Cormoran pygmée | Microcarbo pygmaeus | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA , CMS |
European Shag | Cormoran huppé | Phalacrocorax aristotelis | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA |
Cape Cormorant | Cormoran du Cap | Phalacrocorax capensis | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA |
Great Cormorant | Grand Cormoran | Phalacrocorax carbo | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA |
Bank Cormorant | Cormoran des bancs | Phalacrocorax neglectus | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA |
Socotra Cormorant | Cormoran de Socotra | Phalacrocorax nigrogularis | Phalacrocoracidae | AEWA , CMS |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Northern Gannet | Fou de Bassan | Morus bassanus | Sulidae | AEWA |
Cape Gannet | Fou du Cap | Morus capensis | Sulidae | AEWA |
Masked Booby | Fou masqué | Sula dactylatra | Sulidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Dalmatian Pelican | Pélican frisé | Pelecanus crispus | Pelecanidae | AEWA , CMS |
Great White Pelican | Pélican blanc | Pelecanus onocrotalus | Pelecanidae | AEWA , CMS |
Pink-backed Pelican | Pélican gris | Pelecanus rufescens | Pelecanidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Red-billed Tropicbird | Phaéton à bec rouge | Phaethon aethereus | Phaethontidae | AEWA |
White-tailed Tropicbird | Phaéton à bec jaune | Phaethon lepturus | Phaethontidae | AEWA |
Red-tailed Tropicbird | Phaéton à brins rouges | Phaethon rubricauda | Phaethontidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Lesser Flamingo | Flamant nain | Phoeniconaias minor | Phoenicopteridae | AEWA |
Greater Flamingo | Flamant rose | Phoenicopterus roseus | Phoenicopteridae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Egyptian Plover | Pluvian fluviatile | Pluvianus aegyptius | Pluvianidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
Horned Grebe | Grèbe esclavon | Podiceps auritus | Podicipedidae | AEWA , CMS |
Great Crested Grebe | Grèbe huppé | Podiceps cristatus | Podicipedidae | AEWA |
Red-necked Grebe | Grèbe jougris | Podiceps grisegena | Podicipedidae | AEWA , CMS |
Black-Necked Grebe | Grèbe à cou noir | Podiceps nigricollis | Podicipedidae | AEWA |
Little Grebe | Grèbe castagneux | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Podicipedidae | AEWA |
Common name (En) | Common name (Fr) | Scientific name | Family | CMS Instruments |
African Penguin | Manchot du Cap | Spheniscus demersus | Spheniscidae | AEWA , CMS |