Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Germany & Baltic (bre) | 2000-2005 | Expert opinion | 140,000-210,000 |
Thorup, O. (comp) 2006. Breeding Waders in Europe
| |
1990-2000 | Poor | DEC |
RSPB. 2010. The state of the UK’s birds in 2010.
| |
Iceland & Faroes/East Atlantic coast | 1990-2000 | Expert opinion | 930,000 |
Stroud, D.A., Davidson, N.C., West, R., Scott, D.A
| |
1997-2007 | Poor | INC |
Trolliet, B and Aubry, P. 2005. Recensement hiver
| |
Northern Europe/Western Europe & NW Africa | 2000-2005 | Expert opinion | 500,000-1,000,000 |
Thorup, O. (comp) 2006. Breeding Waders in Europe
| |
1997-2007 | Poor | INC |
Trolliet, B and Aubry, P. 2005. Recensement hiver
| |
Northern Siberia/Caspian & Asia Minor | | No estimate | UNK | | |
- | No idea | UNK | | |