World Migratory Bird Day - Campaign Strategy 2023 |
Strategy |
2023 05 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Common Eider (Baltic, North & Celtic Seas Population Norway & Russia Population Svalbard & Franz Josef Land Population) - (TS No. 75) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2022 09 |
Status and Trends of Migratory Waterbird Populations in the African-Eurasian Flyways 2021 |
Popular Series |
2021 10 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Velvet Scoter (W Siberia & N Europe/NW Europe Population) (TS No. 67) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2020 02 |
International Single Species Management Plan for the Greylag Goose (Northwest/Southwest European Population) |
Species Management Plan, Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2019 06 |
International Single Species Management Plan for the Barnacle Goose (Russia/Germany & Netherlands Population East Greenland/Scotland & Ireland Population Svalbard/South-west Scotland Population) |
Species Management Plan, Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2019 06 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 9 - Guidelines on Waterbird Monitoring (TS No. 73) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2018 12 |
Assessing Motivations for the Illegal Killing of Lesser White-fronted Geese at Key Sites in Kazakhstan (2017) |
LWfG report |
2018 01 |
Population Estimates and Survey Methods for Migratory Goose Species in Northern Kazakhstan (2016) |
LWfG report |
2017 02 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Northern Bald Ibis (TS No. 55) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Taiga Bean Goose (TS No. 56) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
AEWA Communication Strategy |
Strategy |
2015 11 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Curlew (TS No. 58) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Grey Crowned-crane (TS No. 59) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
International Multi-species Action Plan for the Conservation of Benguela Current Upwelling System Coastal Seabirds (TS No. 60) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 5 - Guidelines on Sustainable Harvest of Migratory Waterbirds (TS No. 62) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2015 11 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Long-tailed Duck (TS No.57) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2015 11 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Greenland White-fronted Goose (TS No. 45) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2012 05 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 14 - Guidelines on How to Avoid or Mitigate Impact of Electricity Power Grids on Migratory Birds in the African-Eurasian Region (TS No. 50/CMS No. 29/Raptors No. 3) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2012 05 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No.13 - Guidelines for the Translocation of Waterbirds for Conservation Purposes: Complementing the IUCN Guidelines (TS No. 49) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2012 05 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sociable Lapwing (TS No. 47) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2012 05 |
Introduced Non-native Waterbirds - Status within the African-Eurasian Flyways |
Popular Series |
2012 01 |
How You Can Support the Implementation of the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement? |
2011 01 |
Phasing Out the Use of Lead Shot for Hunting in Wetlands: Experiences made and Lessons Learned by AEWA Range States |
Popular Series |
2009 01 |
Update Report on the Use of Non-toxic Shot for Hunting in Wetlands (TS No. 33) |
Technical Series |
2008 09 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Spoonbill (complete) (TS No.35) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the White-winged Flufftail (TS No. 38/CMS No. 19) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Western Palearctic Population) (TS No. 36) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Spoonbill (Annexes only) (TS No. 35) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 12 - Guidelines on measures needed to help waterbirds to adapt to climate change (TS No. 27) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Eurasian Spoonbill (without Annexes) (TS No. 35) |
Technical Series |
2008 01 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 11 - Guidelines on how to avoid, minimize or mitigate impact of infrastructural developments and related disturbance affecting waterbirds (TS No. 26) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2008 01 |
Migratory Waterbirds and Climate Change - Effects within the African-Eurasian Flyways |
Popular Series |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Lesser Flamingo (TS No. 34/CMS No. 18) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Black-tailed Godwit (TS No. 37) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
Review of the Implementation and the Effectiveness of 15 Single Species Action Plans for Migratory Waterbird Species (TS No. 30) |
Technical Series |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Madagascar Pond-heron (TS No. 39) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2008 01 |
Review on Hunting and Trade Legislation in Countries Relating to the Species Listed in Annex 2 to the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (TS No. 29) |
Technical Series |
2008 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Maccoa Duck (TS No. 14) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2007 01 |
Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area - Third Edition (TS No. 13) |
Technical Series |
2007 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the White-headed Duck (TS No. 8) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2006 01 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 10 - Guidelines on Avoidance of Introductions of Non-native Waterbird Species (TS No. 12) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2006 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Ferruginous Duck (TS No. 7) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2006 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Corncrake (TS No. 9) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2006 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Light-bellied Brent Goose (East Canadian High Arctic Population) (TS No. 11) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2006 01 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 3 - Guidelines on the preparation of site inventories for migratory waterbirds (TS No. 17) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 1 - Guidelines on the Preparation of National Single Species Action Plans for Migratory Waterbirds (TS No. 15) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 8 - Guidelines on reducing crop damage, damage to fisheries, bird strikes and other forms of conflict between waterbirds and human activities (TS No. 23) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 4 - Guidelines on the management of key sites for migratory waterbirds (TS No. 18) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 6 - Guidelines on regulating trade in migratory waterbirds (TS No. 20) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 2 - Guidelines on identifying and tackling emergency situations for migratory waterbirds (TS No. 16) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 7 - Guidelines on the development of ecotourism at wetlands (TS No. 22) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
2005 04 |
Non-toxic Shot - A Path Towards Sustainable Use of the Waterbird Resource (TS No. 3) |
Technical Series |
2004 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Black-winged Pratincole (TS No. 4) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2004 01 |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Great Snipe (TS No. 5) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
2004 01 |
The Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area - First Edition (TS No. 1) |
Technical Series |
1999 03 |
Plan of Action to Address Bird Trapping Along the Mediterranean Coasts of Egypt and Libya |
Species Action Plan |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Slaty Egret (TS No. 43) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
Waterbird Trend Analysis: Methodology Review |
AEWA Conservation Guidelines No. 15 - Guidelines on National Legislation for the Protection of Species of Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats (TS No.53) |
Technical Series, Conservation Guidelines |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Northwest European Population of the Bewick‘s Swan (TS no. 44) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Red-breasted Goose (TS No. 46) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
International Species Management Plan for the Svalbard Population of the Pink-footed Goose (TS No. 48) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |
International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Shoebill (TS No. 51) |
Technical Series, Species Action Plan |