7ème Session de la Réunion des Parties à l’AEWA


Jackass Penguins © Mike Barth


La 7ème session de la Réunion des Parties (MOP7) à l’Accord sur la conservation des oiseaux d’eau migrateurs d’Afrique-Eurasie (AEWA) aura lieu du 4 au 8 décembre 2018 à Durban, Afrique du Sud, sur l’aimable invitation du gouvernement sud-africain, représenté par le ministère des Affaires environnementales.

Le slogan de la MOP7 « Par-delà 2020 : façonner la conservation des voies de migration pour l’avenir », met en évidence la poursuite des bonnes pratiques mises en place et des enseignements tirés tout au long de la mise en œuvre du Plan stratégique 2009-2018 de l’AEWA, en lien avec les réalisations se rapportant aux Objectifs d’Aichi pour la biodiversité.

La MOP7 est une réunion fondamentale pour l’AEWA : les Parties s’y retrouveront ensemble pour la dernière fois avant 2020 et dresseront le bilan des résultats du Plan stratégique 2009-2018. En outre, l’AEWA tracera un chemin ambitieux à parcourir au cours de la prochaine décennie en adoptant un nouveau Plan stratégique pour 2019-2027.

La réunion s'est tenu dans les locaux du Olive Convention Centre, situé dans le centre de la ville de Durban et non loin du fameux front de mer du Golden Mile, dans la province du KwaZulu-Natal.

Couverture journalière: Mardi 4/12/2018

Couverture journalière: Mercredi 5/12/2018

Couverture journalière: Jeudi 6/12/2018

Couverture journalière: Vendredi 7/12/2018

Couverture journalière: Samedi 8/12/2018

Photos de la MOP7

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Télécharger tous les fichiers de cette section en
Number Title Files
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.1 Adoption and Implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan and Plan of Action for Africa for the Period of 2019-2027
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.2 AEWA's Contribution to Delivering the Aichi 2020 Biodiversity Targets and the Relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.3 Adoption of Amendments to the AEWA Annexes
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.4 Adoption and Amendments of Definitions and Interpretation of Terms used in the Context of Table 1 of the AEWA Annex 3
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.5 Adoption, Revision, Retirement, Extension and Implementation of International Species Action and Management Plans
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.6 Priorities for the Conservation of Seabirds in the African-Eurasian Flyways
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res. 7.7 Strengthening Monitoring of Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.8 Revision and Adoption of Conservation Guidance
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.9 Climate Resilient Flyways
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.10 Institutional Arrangements: Standing Committee
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.11 Instutional Arrangements: Technical Committee
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.12 Financial and Administrative Matters
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.13 Date, Venue and Funding of the 8th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7/Res.7.14 Tribute to the Organisers
Télécharger tous les fichiers de cette section en
Number Title Files
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.1/Rev.2 Provisional List of Documents
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.2 Rules of Procedure for the Sessions of the Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.3 Provisional Agenda
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.4/Rev.2 Provisional Annotated Agenda and Meeting Schedule
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.5/Rev.1 Admission of Observers
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.6 Report of the Standing Committee
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.7/Rev.1 Report of the Technical Committee to the 7th Session of the Meeting of the Parties
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.8/Rev.1 Report of the Depositary
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.9 Report of the Secretariat
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.10 Report on the Implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan 2009-2018
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.11 Report on the Implementation of the African Initiative and the Plan of Action for Africa 2012-2018
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.12 Analysis of the AEWA National Reports for the Triennium 2015-2017
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.13 Report on the Implementation of the AEWA Communication Strategy
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.14/Corr.1 - NOT INCLUDING ANNEXES 7th Edition of the Conservation Status Report (CSR7) - not including annexes
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.14/Corr.1 - INCLUDING ANNEXES 7th Edition of the Conservation Status Report (CSR7) - including annexes
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.14 - ANNEX 1 7th Edition of the Conservation Status Report (CSR7) - Annex 1
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.14 - ANNEX 2 7th Edition of the Conservation Status Report (CSR7) - Annex 2
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.14 - ANNEX 3 7th Edition of the Conservation Status Report (CSR7) - Annex 3
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.15 Draft AEWA Strategic Plan 2019-2027
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.16 Draft AEWA Plan of Action for Africa 2019-2027 - A Guide to the Implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan 2019-2027 in the African Region
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.17 Draft Format for National Reports on the Implementation of AEWA 2018-2020
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.18/Rev.1 Implementation Review Process - Report to MOP7
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.19 Proposals to the 7th Session of the Meeting of the Parties for Amendments to Annexes 2 and 3 of AEWA
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.20 Proposal to Amend the Definition of Significant Long-Term Decline and Establish a Criterion on Short-Term Decline to Apply when Classifying Populations in Table 1 of Annex 3 of the Agreement
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.21 Summary of the Current Status of Single Species Action Plan and Species Management Plan Production and Coordination with Recommendations to MOP for Extension, Revision or Retirement
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.22 Draft Revised Format and Guidelines for AEWA International Single and Multi-species Action Plans
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.23 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Velvet Scoter (Melanitta fusca) - Western Siberia & Northern Europe/NW Europe Population
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.24 Draft Revised International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala)
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.25 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.26 Draft International Single Species Management Plan for the Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis)
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.27 Draft International Single Species Management Plan for the Greylag Goose (Anser anser) - NW/SW European Population
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.28 Report on Plastics and AEWA Waterbirds: Incidence and Impacts
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.29/Rev.1 Advice on AEWA Priorities for Seabird Conservation
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.30 Draft Guide to Guidance to Reduce the Impact of Fisheries on AEWA Seabird Species
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.31 Report on the Development of Waterbird Monitoring along the African-Eurasian Flyways
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.32 Draft Guidance on Satisfying the Conditions of Paragraph 2.1.3 of the AEWA Action Plan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.33 Draft Guidance on AEWA's Provisions on Non-native species
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.34 Guidance on Taking a Systematic Approach to Responding to Waterbird Declines: A Checklist of Potential Actions
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.35 Draft Revised AEWA Conservation Guidelines on Waterbird Monitoring (AEWA Conservation Guidelines No.9)
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.36/Rev.2 Report of the Secretariat on Finance and Administrative Issues in 2016-2018
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.37/Rev.1 Draft Scale of Contributions for the Triennium 2019-2021
UNEP/AEWA/MOP7.38 Draft Budget Proposal for the Triennium 2019-2021
Télécharger tous les fichiers de cette section en
Number Title Files
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Albania National Report of Albania (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Algeria National Report of Algeria (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Belgium National Report of Belgium (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Benin National Report of Benin (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Bulgaria National Report of Bulgaria (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Burundi National Report of Burundi (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Côte d‘Ivoire National Report of Côte d‘Ivoire (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Croatia National Report of Croatia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Cyprus National Report of Cyprus (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Czech Republic National Report of Czech Republic (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Denmark National Report of Denmark (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Djibouti National Report of Djibouti (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Egypt National Report of Egypt (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Estonia National Report of Estonia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Eswatini National Report of Eswatini (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Ethiopia National Report of Ethiopia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Finland National Report of Finland (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/France National Report of France (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Georgia National Report of Georgia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Germany National Report of Germany (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Ghana National Report of Ghana (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Guinea-Bissau National Report of Guinea-Bissau (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Hungary National Report of Hungary (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Israel National Report of Israel (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Italy National Report of Italy (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Kenya National Report of Kenya (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Latvia National Report of Latvia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Lebanon National Report of Lebanon (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Libya National Report of Libya (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Luxembourg National Report of Luxembourg (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/FYR of Macedonia National Report of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Mali National Report of Mali (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Mauritius National Report of Mauritius (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Morocco National Report of Morocco (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Netherlands National Report of the Netherlands (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Niger National Report of Niger (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Norway National Report of Norway (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Portugal National Report of Portugal (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Republic of Moldova National Report of the Republic of Moldova (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Romania National Report of Romania (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Senegal National Report of Senegal (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Slovakia National Report of Slovakia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Slovenia National Report of Slovenia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/South Africa National Report of South Africa (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Spain National Report of Spain (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Sudan National Report of Sudan (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Sweden National Report of Sweden (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Switzerland National Report of Switzerland (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Syrian Arab Republic National Report of the Syrian Arab Republic (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Tunisia National Report of Tunisia (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Uganda National Report of Uganda (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Ukraine National Report of Ukraine (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/United Kingdom National Report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (MOP7)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP7/Zimbabwe National Report of Zimbabwe (MOP7)