© Eszter Gordon
Budapest, 28 September 2022 – The Eight Meeting of the Parties (MOP8) to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) resumed in two working groups on the second day (Wednesday, 28 September 2022) of the meeting.
Following regional consultations in the morning, Working Group I chaired by Simon Mackown (United Kingdom) resumed their deliberations on the Budget, while Working Group II on Scientific and Technical Matters, chaired by Andras Schmidt (Hungary) reviewed and agreed on amendments to draft resolutions and other documents to be tabled for adoption in plenary on Friday, 30th September.
Working Group II also reviewed the recommended nominees for the AEWA Technical Committee for the next triennium. The names of the candidates were recommended by the advisory group to fill the sub-regional vacancies in Africa and Europe, as well as the two vacancies for electable thematic experts.
The names and brief biographies of each of the recommended candidates were read out by the Secretariat. There were no objections voiced in the working group. The same procedure was followed for each of the sub-regions where there are vacancies. All nominations were brought forward to the plenary for confirmation on the closing day of the meeting.
Both Working Groups completed their agenda on time and delegates had the option of using the evening to explore the illuminated streets and some landmarks of Budapest surrounding the meeting venue.
About this Report
This AEWA MOP8 DAILY COVERAGE feature has been prepared by the Joint Communications Unit of the UNEP/CMS and UNEP/AEWA Secretariat. The feature includes a short summary and audio-visual elements (photos, videos and audio recordings) of the main highlights of each day of the Eight Meeting of the Parties (MOP8) to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) taking place in Budapest, Hungary from 27 – 30 September 2022. The product is prepared in-house using available capacity within the Secretariat. Its main purpose is to capture the highlights of AEWA MOP8 for public awareness and communication purposes, i.e. it does not serve as an official record of the meeting. For feedback, content suggestions and inquiries please contact Mr. Florian Keil, AEWA Information Officer by writing to: press@unep-aewa.org
The AEWA Secretariat would like to sincerely thank the Government of Hungary and the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) for providing audio-visual content in the form of photos and videos for this special coverage of AEWA MOP8.
Last updated on 19 December 2022