City of Bonn © Presseamt Bundesstadt Bonn
Bonn, 20 April 2015 - The preparations for the 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA (MOP6), which will take place from 9 - 14 November 2015 in Bonn, Germany, are well under way. The Secretariat would like to take the opportunity of this e-newsletter to provide participants of this meeting with an update on the latest developments.
As venue for MOP6, the Secretariat has recently secured the meeting facilities of the UN Campus. The main conference rooms are located in the Altes Abgeordnetenhochhaus (AHH), which offers modern and high quality equipment. During Bonn’s period as Germany’s capital the building hosted the offices of German parliamentarians.
Furthermore, the Secretariat is pleased to announce the slogan for MOP6: Making Flyway Conservation Happen. The slogan aims at emphasizing the importance of intact flyways for the migratory waterbirds to successfully complete their journeys.
Since the year 2015 also marks the 20th anniversary of AEWA, the Secretariat has produced a combined logo to mark these two special events.
Thanks to a voluntary contribution pledged by the Government of Germany, the Secretariat will be able to cover all costs for the logistical preparation of the meeting and part of the budget needed to fund the participation of delegates. The Secretariat would like to take this opportunity to thank the Government of Germany for its continuous support.
Invitations to MOP6 will be sent out and registration to the meeting will open in spring 2015. Some important information concerning the attendance of the MOP can already be found on the newly launched MOP6 website. Further information, as well as meeting documents, will be provided here as they become available. Should you have any questions related to MOP6, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat at
Last updated on 04 May 2015