An ornithologist, Stroud has had a long
career in the field of wetland and waterbird conservation.
He is currently working for the Joint Nature Conservation
Committee and plays a major role in many other national
and international bodies. His special scientific interest
in the Greenland White-fronted Goose has significantly contributed
to the understanding of the life cycle of this species.
He has produced numerous publications on
wetland and waterbird conservation within the UK and internationally
and was also one of the main organisers behind the global
waterbird conference “Waterbirds
Around the World” which took place in
Edinburgh, Scotland in 2004. These and numerous other of
his activities have contributed to the conservation of migratory
waterbirds and have also significantly helped to raise public
awareness on a wide range of conservation issues.
David received the AEWA
Waterbird Conservation Award in 2005 for his
efforts in the conservation of migratory waterbirds and
his major contribution towards the development of the Agreement.
He has supported the development and implementation
of the Agreement from day one, with important and substantial
contributions, for example to the AEWA Action Plan and species
listings and has been untiringly active in his role as observer
to the Technical Committee during the last 13 years. In
2008, David was elected as the regional representative for
North and South-West Europe in the AEWA Technical Committee
and he continues to be active in promoting the work of AEWA.
The AEWA Secretariat congratulates David
Stroud on his MBE and is looking forward to continuing this
successful, productive and friendly cooperation with him
for many years to come.
For more information please see:
Last updated on 16 June 2014