ACAP MOP3 Report now published

Bonn, 21 July 2009
-The report of the third Meeting
of the Parties (MOP3) to the Agreement on the Conservation
of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP),
that took place in Bergen, Norway from 26 April –
1 May 2009, has now been published.

ACAP - The Agreement on the Conservation
of Albatrosses and Petrels is a legally binding international
treaty signed in 2001 with the goal to restore albatrosses
and petrels - which are amongst the most endangered groups
of species in the world – to a favourable conservation

The ACAP MOP3 report includes the key outcomes
of the meeting, for example the listing of the three North
Pacific albatross species in Annex 1 of ACAP, a total budget
of about £620,000 per annum for the next triennium
and the adoption of a template for ACAP to enter into formal
(but not legally binding) arrangements with Regional Fisheries
Management Organisations (RFMOs) and other regional bodies.

AEWA was represented at the meeting by its Technical Officer,
Mr. Sergey Dereliev. He reported on the addition of 20 species
of seabirds to the AEWA’s species list. Although these
species were not albatrosses and petrels, the listing of
species that may share common conservation issues with ACAP
species meant that both Agreements could benefit from closer
ties. AEWA is seeking to identify areas of possible cooperation
between the two bodies to improve the effective management
of issues of concern for the conservation of seabirds.

Other participating IGOs and NGOs were
inter alia BirdLife
, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF),
the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species
of Wild Animals (CMS)
or the United Nations Environmental Programme - World Conservation
Monitoring Centre (UNEP/WCMC).

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