Improving the Knowledge Base and Status of the Madagascar Pond-heron in Madagascar (Small Grants Fund 2010)

The Endangered Madagascar Pond Heron (Ardeola idea) is an endemic species with its main breeding grounds in Madagascar. This project contributes to the implementation of an AEWA International Single Species Action Plan through emergency actions at the national level, aimed at improving the present conservation status and knowledge base of the species. Three main aspects of the projects include a) data collection on the ecology and range of the species and a species with which it is often confused, the Squacco Heron (Ardeola ralloide) which is often confused with the Madagascar Pond-heron; b) capacity building with regard to the identification of the species, and the development of a monitoring program for potential sites; c) strengthening communication and awareness with regard to the species through the development and distribution of adequate material like brochures, posters, radio and television programmes at the national and local level.

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Implementing AgencyAsity Madagascar

Taxonomic groupBirds
Target regionAfrica
Target countryMadagascar
Final technical reportNo

No related threats