25 Years of AEWA – Statement by Carola Schouten, Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Netherlands
I would like to congratulate all the people involved in AEWA on the 25th anniversary of the Agreement. These past years we have achieved much concerning the protection and conservation of migratory waterbirds. With all the challenges these birds face, it is good to see more and more countries willing to work together for their protection. As the Dutch Minister for Nature, I am proud that the Netherlands was involved in the creation of this Agreement and that AEWA has grown from 14 Parties then, to 80 Parties today. We can look back proudly at the achievements of the last 25 years and I am excited to look forward to the progress we will make in the next 25 years to offer waterbirds safe flyways and a safe future.
Carola Schouten
Minister for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Netherlands
Last updated on 19 June 2020