Call for Proposals: 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress

Bonn, 17 February 2016 - The Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC), which meets every 4 years aims to further the study of birds in Africa and promote their conservation as an integral part of the African heritage.

“The Pan-African Ornithological Congress is a great opportunity to share the latest knowledge and to improve the effectiveness of waterbird conservation in Africa. AEWA is especially committed to this goal and is working towards it, together with all African Parties, through its African Initiative” said Jacques Trouvilliez, Executive Secretary of the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat.

The 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC 14) is planned to take place between 16th – 21st October 2016 in Dakar, Senegal. The theme for this year’s Congress is: Global challenges: threats and opportunities for birds in Africa.

The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat would like to share the following “Call for Abstracts for General Presentations at PAOC14” received from the scientific committee for PAOC 14:


Call for Proposals for Presentations at PAOC 14:

The scientific committee of the Pan African Ornithological Congress invites proposals for oral and poster presentations at the 14th congress.

Oral presentations form the heart of the Congress and will occur in parallel sessions throughout the scientific programme. Many oral sessions will occur as part of pre-organised symposia (see PAOC website for more details), but more than half the oral programme will consist of submitted presentations selected and arranged into a coherent programme by the members of the scientific committee. The scientific committee invites submissions for oral and poster presentations in English or French on all areas of African Ornithology within existing symposia topics, or in other areas.

If your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, standard talks will be allocated 12 minutes, plus three minutes for questions. Those submitted abstracts not selected for oral presentation may be invited to submit a poster instead. Two dedicated poster sessions will allow greater participation across what is going to be a packed and entertaining programme. Students in the later stages of their degree programme are welcome to submit oral presentations, those in the first half of their studies are encouraged to submit posters. Please also note that when shortlisting oral presentations we will endeavour to maximise participation, prioritising only one presentation per person (unless talking in multiple, pre-registered symposia), and prioritising speakers already registered at the conference over those with no confirmed payment.

If you would like to propose a talk or poster, please submit the following via this link:

* The proposed title of the talk / poster

* Name, address and email of primary author

* Names and affiliations of all other authors

* 1500 character (c. 200 word) abstract

* A primary and secondary classification of the subject

* An indication of suitability within existing symposia


*The deadline for submissions is 3rd April 2016.*

We anticipate that submitters will hear whether their talk is accepted for an oral or poster presentation by mid-May.


Dr Colin Beale

Lecturer in Ecology
University of York



Dernière mise à jour le 27 September 2016