The 3-year WetCap project, which was launched in March
2009, is closely linked to the Wings over Wetlands UNEP-GEF
African-Eurasian Flyway Project (WOW)
with a focus on North Africa. This 1.6 million euro project
aims to strengthen the capacities for waterbird and wetland
conservation of all the important stakeholders as well
as to build knowledge and provide better access to information
on the critical network of sites required by migratory
waterbirds in the region. In addition it provides a small
grants fund to support local waterbird and wetland conservation
Funded by the Spanish agency for international
development cooperation, AECID,
the WetCap project was developed and is being managed
by the AEWA Secretariat in close cooperation with BirdLife/SEO
who is providing the regional coordination of project
For more information on the WetCap project
please contact:
Regional Coordinator: Mr. Sidi Imad Cherkaoui,
AEWA Secretariat: Ms. Catherine Lehmann,
Dernière mise à jour le 16 Juin 2014