5th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA

The location on the map is approximate!
14 May 2012 to 18 May 2012
OrganisateurUNEP/AEWA Secretariat
CMS InstrumentAEWA
VilleLa Rochelle

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UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.1 National Reporting and Online Reporting System
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.2 Addressing Gaps in Knowledge of and Conservation Action for Waterbird Populations and Sites Important for Them
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.3 AEWA International Implementation Tasks for 2012-2015
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.4 Implementation of the Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project and Post-WOW Prospects
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.5 Implementation and Revision of the Communication Strategy
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.6 Adoption of Amendments to the AEWA Action Plan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.7 Adoption of Amendments and New Guidance for Interpretation of Terms Used in the Context of Table 1 of the AEWA Action Plan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.8 Adoption and Implementation of International Single Species Action Plans and Species Management Plans
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.9 Implementation of the African Initiative for the Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Their Habitats in Africa
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.10 Revision and Adoption of Conservation Guidelines
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.11 Power Lines and Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.12 Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals on Migratory Waterbirds in Africa
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.13 Climate Change and Adaption Measures for Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.14 Waterbirds, Wetlands and the Impacts of Extractive Industries
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.15 Impact of Invasive Alien Aquatic Weeds on Waterbird Habitats in Africa
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.16 Renewable Energy and Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.17 Institutional Arrangements: Standing Committee
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.18 Institutional Arrangements: Technical Committee
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.19 Encouragement of Further Joint Implementation of AEWA and the Ramsar Convention
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.20 Promote Twinning Schemes Between the Natural Sites Covered by the AEWA and the Network of Sites Listed Under the Ramsar Convention
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.21 Financial and Administrative Matters
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.22 Establishing a Long-Term Basic Structural Funding Regime for the International Waterbird Census in the African-Eurasian Region
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.23 AEWA’s Contribution to Delivering the Aichi 2020 Biodiversity Targets
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.24 Clarifications on the Definition of Disturbance, Useful for Appropriate Implementation of the Action Plan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.25 Support for Reinforcing Capacities With a View to Improving Laws and Policies in Favour of Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.26 Tribute to the Organisers
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5/Res. 5.27 Venue of the 6th Session of the Meeting of the Parties
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UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.1Corr.1/Rev.4 Provisional List of Documents
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.2 Rules of Procedure for the Sessions of the Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.3Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.4 Provisional Annotated Agenda and Schedule
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.5 Admission of Observers
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.6 Report from the Chair of the Standing Committee of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) over the Period 2009-2012
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.7 Report of the Chair of the AEWA Technical Committee to the 5th Session of the Meeting of the Parties
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.8 Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds 'S-Gravenhage, 15-08-1996
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.9 Report of the Secretariat
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.10 AEWA Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Overview
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.11 Progress of Implementation of the AEWA Strategic Plan 2009 - 2017
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.12 Analysis of AEWA National Reports for the Triennium 2009-2011
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.13 Report on National Reporting and the Online Reporting System (ORS)
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.14 Report on the Conservation Status of Migratory Waterbirds in the Agreement Area - fifth Edition
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Preliminary Report on the Site Network for Waterbirds in the Agreement Area, 1st Edition
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Annex 1 worked Example for calculating Conservation Importance and Site Action Scores
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Annex 2: Index of Coverage of Waterbird Populations by the CSN and various protected Area Designations during the breeding and nonbreeding Seasons
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Annex 3: Prioritized Country Profiles
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Annex 4: Coherence of the Critical Site Network for Waterbird Populations in the Agreement Area
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.15 Annex 5: Coherence of the protected Area Network covering the Critical Sites for Waterbird Populations in the Agreement Area
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.16 Implementation Review Process - Report to MOP5
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.17Corr.1 Report on the Implementation of the AEWA International Implementation Tasks 2009-2016
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.18Corr.1 Report on the Implementation and Revision of the Communication Strategy
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.19 Report on World Migratory Bird Day 2006-2012
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.20 Proposals to the 5th Session of the Meeting of the Parties for Amendments to Annex 3 (Action Plan and Table 1) of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-E
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.20AddendumRev.1 Comments from the Parties to the Proposals for Amendments to Annex 3 (Action Plan and Table 1) of AEWA
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.21 Proposal for Guidance on Interpretation of the Term “Extreme Fluctuations in Population Size or Trend” used in the Context of Table 1 of the AEWA Action Plan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.22 Proposal for Amendment of the Definition and the Guidance on Interpretation of the Term “Significant Long-Term Decline” used in the Context of Table 1 of the AEWA Action Plan as Approved by Resolution 3.3
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.23 Cover Note - New Arabic version of the Agreement text
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.23 New Arabic version of the Agreement Text
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.24 Summary of Current State of Single Species Action Plan and Species Management Plan Production and Coordination
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.25 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Slaty Egret
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.26 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Bewick's Swan
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.27 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Greenland White-fronted Goose
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.28 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Red-breasted Goose
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.29 Draft International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Sociable Lapwing
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.30 Draft International Species Management Plan for the Svalbard Population of the Pink-footed Goose
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.31Rev.1 Draft Plan of Action for Africa 2012-2017
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.32 Report on the Implementation of the African Initiative for the Period 2009-2012
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.33 Draft Revised Conservation Guideline No 6: Guidelines on Regulating Trade in Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.34Rev.1 Draft Revised Conservation Guideline No 10: Guidelines on Avoidance of Introductions of non-native Waterbird Species
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.35 Draft Revised Conservation Guideline No 2: Guidelines on identifying and tackling Emergency Situations for Migratory Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.36 Draft Conservation Guidelines on the Translocation of Waterbirds for Conservation Purposes: Complementing the IUCN Guidelines
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.37 Draft Guidelines on how to avoid or mitigate Impact of Electricity Power Grids on Migratory Birds in the African-Eurasian Region
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.38 Review of the Conflict between Migratory Birds and Electricity Power Grids in the African-Eurasian Region
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.39 Developing a legal and institutional Framework for the Central Asian Flyway
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.40Rev.1 Report of the Secretariat on Finance and administrative Issues 2009-2011
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.41Rev.1 Draft Budget Proposal 2012-2015/2016
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.42Rev.1 Strategic Development of the Waterbird Monitoring in the African-Eurasian Flyways
UNEP/AEWA/MOP5.43 Considerations about the Future Periodicity of Sessions of the Meeting of the Parties
UNEP/AEWA/MOP6.23 Revised Arabic Version of the Agreement Text - issue still pending
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UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.1 Assessing the Sufficiency of the international Network of Sites for the Protection of Migratory Waterbirds taking into Account the projected Climate Change Effects
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.2 Literature Review on Effects of the Use of Lead Fishing Weights on Waterbirds and Wetlands
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.3 Defining Periods of Breeding and pre-nuptial Migration for Migratory African-Eurasian Waterbirds
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.4 Summary, Synthesis and Report of Project Coordination: Rehabilitation of important Migratory Waterbird Sites which have been degraded by invasive aquatic Weeds
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.5 Adverse Effects of Agrochemicals on Migratory Waterbirds in Africa
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.6 Report of the Meeting to conclude and endorse the proposed Central Asian Flyway Action Plan to conserve Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.7 New Delhi Statement on the Meeting to conclude and endorse the proposed Central Asian Flyway Action Plan to conserve Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.8 A legal and institutional Framework to support the Implementation of the proposed Central Asian Flyway Action Plan to conserve Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats: Options for Consideration
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.9 The Wings Over Wetlands (WOW) UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project and Post-WOW Partnership Activities
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.10 CMS Family Website Proposal
UNEP/AEWA/Inf.5.11 List of Participants
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UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Albania National Report of Albania (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Algeria National Report of Algeria (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Belgium National Report of Belgium (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Bulgaria National Report of Bulgaria (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Croatia National Report of Croatia (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Cyprus National Report of Cyprus (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Czech Republic National Report of Czech Republic (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Denmark National Report of Denmark (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Egypt National Report of Egypt (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Estonia National Report of Estonia (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Ethiopia National Report of Ethiopia (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Finland National Report of Finland (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/France National Report of France (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Ghana National Report of Ghana (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Georgia National Report of Georgia (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Germany National Report of Germany (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Hungary National Report of Hungary (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Israel National Report of Israel (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Italy National Report of Italy (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Jordan National Report of Jordan
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Kenya National Report of Kenya
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Latvia National Report of Latvia
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Lebanon National Report of Lebanon
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Libya National Report of Libya
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Lithuania National Report of Lithuania
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Luxembourg National Report of Luxembourg
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Macedonia National Report of Macedonia FYR
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Madagascar National Report of Madagascar
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Moldova National Report of the Republic of Moldova
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Monaco National Report of Monaco
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Netherlands National Report of the Netherlands
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Norway National Report of Norway (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Romania National Report of Romania
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Senegal National Report of Senegal
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Slovakia National Report of Slovakia
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Slovenia National Report of Slovenia
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/South Africa National Report of South Africa
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Spain National Report of Spain (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Sweden National Report of Sweden
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Sweden - Add. Information National Report of Sweden - Additional Information
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Switzerland National Report of Switzerland
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Syria National Report of the Syrian Arab Republic
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Tanzania National Report of the United Republic of Tanzania
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Uganda National Report of Uganda (MOP5)
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/UK National Report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland
UNEP/AEWA/Nat.Report/MOP5/Ukraine National Report of Ukraine