Meetings of AEWA Bodies in 2018
As previously announced in the December edition of the AEWA e-Newsletter (December 2017), 2018 is a busy year for AEWA with meetings scheduled for the Technical Committee, the Standing Committee and the Meeting of the Parties. Arrangements for all three are progressing well. |
National Reporting System Ready for AEWA MOP7
The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat is pleased to announce that it has launched the national reporting cycle for the 7th Meeting of the Parties (South Africa, 4-8 December 2018) with a technically enhanced version of the MEA Online Reporting System (ORS) first used in the run-up to AEWA MOP5. |
AEWA Conservation Award 2018 - Call for Nominations
Institutions and citizens from all nations are invited to nominate individuals or institutions – governmental and non-governmental, including community groups or private sector enterprises – of any country in the Agreement area for the fifth edition of the AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award. |
International Conference Calls on Governments for Action to Combat Illegal Killing, Poisoning and Illicit Trade of Wild Birds in the Adriatic Flyway
From 19 to 23 March 2018, the 3rd Adriatic Flyway Conference took place in Fruška Gora National Park, Serbia, organized by EuroNatur and the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS, BirdLife Serbia). |
IUCN Red List Update for AEWA Species
Plummeting populations have led to the status of three AEWA waterbird species being upgraded, according to the revised IUCN Red List of Endangered Species published in December. Prey depletion triggered by overfishing has caused severe population declines of the Black-legged Kittiwake and the Cape Gannet. |
“Unifying our Voices for Bird Conservation”: WMBD 2018 Theme Highlights New Global Dimension
On 26 October 2017 in the margins of the CMS COP12 in Manila, Environment for the Americas (EFTA), the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA), announced an innovative partnership to increase awareness of the plight of migratory birds around the world. |
Workshop for Spoonbill Experts – Djerba, Tunisia, November 2018
The AEWA Eurasian Spoonbill International Expert Group (ESIEG) in conjunction with the Association “les Amis des Oiseaux”, the BirdLife partner in Tunisia, is organizing a workshop to be held on Djerba Island from 14 to 18 November. |
White-winged Flufftail – Exciting New Discovery in South Africa
BirdLife South Africa announced exciting news last Saturday reporting the important discovery of only the second breeding site in the world for the Critically Endangered White-winged Flufftail (Sarothrura ayresi) and the first ever in South Africa. |
Making Do with Less
A new study on how strategies for managing waterbird harvests in Europe can be formulated on the basis of limited data has just been published in the journal Ecological Applications. |
Focus on the White-headed Duck in Morocco
The Research Group for Bird Protection in Morocco (GREPOM) has successfully completed a project which contributes to improving the conservation status of the White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala) in Morocco. |
New Report on Motivations for Illegal and Accidental Killing of Lesser White-fronted Geese in Kazakhstan
The AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose Working Group is pleased to announce the completion of a new report which features the outcomes of a project carried out by Stirling University in cooperation with the Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity in Kazakhstan (ACBK) during September-October 2017 in northern Kazakhstan. |
Black-tailed Godwit Range States along the East Atlantic Flyway Agree on Urgent Conservation Action at Staging and Wintering Sites
Key Range States and species experts came together in Dakar, Senegal on the 13-14 November 2017 for the 1st regional meeting of the AEWA Black-tailed Godwit International Working Group for the countries hosting the species during winter along the East Atlantic Flyway. |
Boost for Waterbird Monitoring in Seven AEWA Parties in Africa
Waterbird data in seven AEWA African Contracting Parties along the high-priority West-Asian/East African Flyway received a boost under a project supporting the International Waterbird Census (IWC). |
In Focus: AEWA Conservation Guideline No. 9 - Guidelines for a Waterbird Monitoring Protocol
Waterbird monitoring is an important tool for obtaining objective, detailed and accurate information about the conservation status of individual waterbird populations. |