The CMS and AEWA Secretariats are pleased to share the World Migratory Bird Day 2022 Campaign Strategy with Parties and all relevant stakeholders.
CMS Decision 13.138 requested the CMS Secretariat to suggest to its partners that one of the next World Migratory Bird Days should be dedicated to highlighting the effects of light pollution on migratory birds (and also taking into account its effects on bats, marine turtles, insects and other affected animals).
As announced on 9 December 2021, the focus of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 will be on light pollution and the campaign will be celebrated on the two peak days of 14 May and 8 October under the slogan “Dim the Lights for Birds at Night!”.
The campaign strategy provides the strategic goals and key messages for the 2022 campaign as agreed by the three main organizing partners of World Migratory Bird Day: The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), the African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), and the non-profit organization, Environment for the Americas (EFTA).
The CMS and AEWA Secretariats would like to invite Parties and all other stakeholders to make use of World Migratory Bird Day in 2022 to:
To access the World Migratory Bird Day 2022 Campaign Strategy document click here.
For further information please contact:
Florian Keil, Information Officer and World Migratory Bird Day Coordinator, UNEP/CMS + UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, Bonn, Germany. Email: | Tel: +49 228 8152451
Last updated on 13 April 2022