New website on the Northern Bald Ibis launched _ have a look!

on 2 February 2009, the website of the International Advisory
Working Group of the Northern Bald Ibis is now accessible
to the public. The new website provides information on different
topics dealing with the biology and the conservation of
the Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita).

The Northern Bald Ibis is a highly endangered species
with populations in Morocco, Syria and Turkey. Formerly
it was widespread throughout North Africa and in some
parts of the Middle East (Morocco to Algeria, Turkey,
Syria and Iraq). Very little is known about where the
remaining wild populations of the Northern Bald Ibis migrate
to and where they spend the winter.

The new website contains background information on the
International Advisory Working Group and the various wild
populations of the Northern Bald Ibis and includes several
pages on ongoing research projects and information on
captive populations.

The website was developed and is being hosted by the
International Advisory Group for the Northern Bald Ibis
(IAGNBI), a team of people who dedicate their work to
this highly endangered species. The international expert
group supports scientific research, field projects and
helps to bring governments and non-government organizations
together to develop and implement the conservation and
rehabilitation of the Northern Bald Ibis.

The AEWA Secretariat welcomes the launch of the new website,
as it supports ongoing conservation efforts for one of
the Agreement’s most threatened birds.

This new online resource will help bundle information
and will also support the implementation of the International
Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the
Northern Bald Ibis, which was developed by SEO (BirdLife
Spain) and adopted by the AEWA’s Contracting Parties
at the Third Meeting of Parties to AEWA (MOP3) in Dakar,
Senegal in October 2005.

Further Resources:

IAGNBI Website

SSAP for the Northern Bald Ibis

  • The International Single Species
    Action Plan for the Conservation of the Northern Bald
    Ibis [ PDF

News stories on the Northern Bald Ibis

Last updated on 16 June 2014